We hope that other entities against which we have claims will likewise come forward to settle those claims for the benefit of all of Madoff's victims, he said. 我们希望,为了马多夫骗局所有受害人的利益,我们提出索赔的其他机构会同样自愿解决这些诉讼。
Many lawyers question whether £ 20m will be nearly enough to settle civil claims. 许多律师怀疑2000万英镑是否足以了结这些民事索赔。
When her name was posted publicly for a debt of several thousand francs, the Bailiff prepared to sell Charles 'property to settle her creditors' claims. 她的名字被公布于众:她负债好几千法郎。副司法官准备出售查尔斯的产业以解决债权人的要求。
The flat amount of compensation for damages shall settle all claims due to delay in delivery. 该定额赔偿应当视为清结了所有因延迟交付而产生的权利要求。
Police have now been called in to settle the "neighborhood dispute" amid claims the tank was intimidating locals. 习惯了宁静生活的居民,纷纷表示这架战争机器“有碍观瞻“,威胁到了本地安全,于是召来了警察调停“邻里纠纷”。
Santander is the first financial company to offer to settle claims resulting from the Madoff scandal. 自马多夫丑闻曝光以来,桑坦德银行是第一个主动愿意收拾这个残局的金融集团。
Unfortunately, insurers often settle small claims even if they are doubtful, simply to save legal fees and administrative bother. 不幸的是,即使有所怀疑,保险公司通常还是会对小额索赔进行赔付,只是为了节省法律费用和避免管理上的麻烦。
If such demand, claim, suit is lodged arising out of the customer's use in violation of the legislation, the customer shall settle all such claims at customer's account and the Contractor shall not be liable for such demand, claim or suit. 如果上述要求、索赔、诉讼是由业主违法使用造成的,业主应自费解决所有索赔,承包商不对上述要求、索赔或诉讼负责。
Abbott Laboratories tentatively agreed to pay$ 1.3 billion to settle claims regarding its marketing practices for its treatment for epilepsy. 而雅培公司初步同意支付13亿美元了结关于亲其治疗癫痫的营销活动的索赔。
The development comes days before officials from India and China meet in New Delhi for the 14th round of talks to settle a border dispute in which China claims Arunachal Pradesh as south Tibet. 几天后,印中两国官员将在新德里举行第14轮边界谈判&中国宣称阿鲁纳恰尔邦为中国领土,称其为藏南。
We aim to settle all valid claims in a timely manner. 我们会对所有正当要求作出及时的处理。
Those payments will settle civil claims that its illegal marketing caused doctors to prescribe and bill the government for Vioxx they otherwise would not have prescribed. 这些赔偿将解决因非法销售该药导致医生开出本不该开的药物及政府为该药买单的民事赔偿要求。
GE shall have the right to settle any such claims, losses or damages on such terms and conditions that GE deems advisable. 通用电气应该有权以其认为适宜的条款或条件来处理任何此类异议、损失或损害赔偿。
Lessor shall investigate and settle any traffic accident insurance claim, or any insurance claims arising from lessee's use of vehicle leased from the lessor. 所有交通事故险索赔事项,以及乙方从甲方处租赁的汽车所导致的任何索赔事项应该由甲方负责调查和处理。
The Ship Arrest System, which originated in England in the late 18th century and was accepted by many countries and international conventions, is an effective measure applied frequently nowadays to settle the maritime claims. 18世纪后期产生于英国,而后被各国吸收并形成了国际公约的船舶扣押制度是当今常用且十分有效的争议解决措施。
It is difficult to settle creditor claims when its low-cost transfer to a third party the right to make bad debt such expectations realized. 债权人在债权难以得到清偿的时候,将其低价转让给第三方,使得不良债权这种期待权变现。
The maritime obligor is active to settle debt that is the realization of maritime claims and the elimination of maritime lien, not the realization of maritime lien. 在海事债务人主动清偿债务时,是海事请求权的实现、船舶优先权的消灭,而非船舶优先权的实现。